action, faith, freedom, happiness, Leadership, Spirituality, success, transformation

Cultivating a Relationship with Surrender

Surrender. The act of surrender is a letting go. A complete act of trust in the unknown where all things are possible.  Now, I have had significant experiences being in surrender from an emotional standpoint.  Confronting emotions that were limiting, holding me back, interfering with what I wanted to feel and experience. The experience, always has me release the feelings without attachment, so I bring up the feelings and can feel them without attaching to them.  It’s become a very effective process for me.

Surrender from the physical is different.  The process isn’t different, my ability to be in it, handle it is different. There are always actions taken, always the new set in place. Once the new has stable grounding, the old no longer has a purpose to serve or a way to survive. This uproots the old, causing a need to let go, surrender to the new, which needs a place to grow, thrive and be expressed out, for the old, having been uprooted, no longer has anything left to give or receive.  In the physical, what I am noticing is this place of trust has pulled up roots that are so interconnected.  Interconnected to people, places, finances, career, really related to the outer world.
Each time I explored and entered surrender through the emotional, it always involved me.  There was no one else, nothing else.  Sure patterns and experiences, yet ultimately I knew it was all related to my inner world, the way I was feeling.

So, Surrender through the physical, into the outer world.  What is this? How does this work?  Your life is always speaking to you.  When you discover, uncover ways your life is unhappy, unfulfilled, out of alignment for what you want and believe, and you come to the urge, the desire to take actions, to make changes, you begin your process. Surrender in the outer world asks for trust and faith. It asks for help from others, not in a way that has you being needy or helpless, rather in a way that holds you powerful. Surrender has you find stillness.  Surrender removes all the obstacles, the blinders.  Surrender has you bloom, open, expand in the most magical ways.  It’s a point of contact.  Surrender in the physical lets you know you are human and you like everyone else, count on support. Divine Support, support of community, support of your highest good.  Surrender, in the physical sense clears all old paths.  It moves you forward through right relationships, and right actions.  For me this was a real AHA.

To know that trust, to feel and receive connections.  The right relationships, the right connections are here.

There is a heart connection that happens in surrender.  There is a connection so deep, so profound, everything is changed. This heart connection allows you the space, courage and wisdom to grow forward.  This path, this choice is only found in the depth, the rawness and the commitment towards surrender.  Once you hit the bottom, the first thing surrender requires is calmness.  A calmness from within. That you see and trust in your environment. Your environment which holds the people, places and resources for you to be in surrender.  An important aspect of surrender is it happens in an initiation of  adulthood. There is no victim, blame, judgement, resentment or poor me. Surrender, in your environment holds this space or vibration of you being at your highest good, the highest version of yourself because, essentially you are releasing everything that held you back or was in your way of achieving this. Surrender, allows for the best version of you, your highest good to be held, received, giving life to your now, your truth.

Surrender brings the best of you forward. It allows for you to accept who you are, making peace with it now.


Illuminating the riches within


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

career women, health, passion, Powerful women, Spirituality, Women

The Importance of Personal Power

Personal Power is a very special resource within each of us. It provides you the nourishment to take actions in alignment with your desires and truth, it gives you strength and courage to hold good boundaries, standing up for yourself and of course self love. You see, personal power is designed for you to be all of you. It begins at your foundation, the root of who you are. Let me explain how this process works, inspiring you to claim, own and stand in your personal power.

courage 4

First, in order to know your own personal power, you must know what is important to you. Let’s say, your values, your lifestyle, your relationships, your career. There is an element of things you are committed to, like fitness, your children, or say traveling. You can be committed to many things at once. The task at hand is defining what about each thing is important to you. Once you know what the thing provides you, that deems it important, you take a stand and make it non-negotiable that anything gets in your way, or your space about it. Personal Power. The real issues many people have with personal power is, the way they believe it will make someone else feel. So, let me get this out of the way. Personal Power is exactly that, it’s personal. It’s the way you choose to show up in the world. It’s the way you choose to value your goals, desires and wants. Personal Power is designed for you, your best interest. When applied correctly, you’ll speak your truth, in kindness, yet firm and with a clear articulate vision of you. This clears up any misinterpretation, misconceptions, or beliefs others have of you, that are NOT. YOUR. TRUTH. That are not coming from your place of power, they are coming from someone else’s version of you, or possibly their misuse of power.

Personal Power is the way you own your worth, your value, self esteem and confidence. How often do you find yourself in the midst of trying to prove yourself, get your needs met or make someone else happy? This is not personal power. The key here is to recognize personal power is a resource that builds all of these qualities within you, that shine out. It requires you create an intimate relationship with yourself, turn off the outside world and get acquainted with you. Once you begin to fan these flames, nurture this relationship, as I mentioned you have the necessary nourishment to fulfill your power. Then take the actions.

Taking the actions to claim your power and stand your ground, stand up for yourself is where the real magic happens. It’s only through applying these skills of personal power do you reap the rewards of self love. The actions will challenge you. Challenge everything you were taught about “being good”, “fitting in”, “not starting trouble”, “what your worth”, “staying safe” and the list goes on. Taking action, challenges the people around you, and for many, that is too much for them. The idea that you are willing to own your power, where they can no longer take advantage of you, try to manipulate you, keep you small or make you feel unsafe is over. Their jig is up, they have been Seen. Your desire to shine your light BRIGHT, reflects back to them. They are afraid of your power. That’s right love, you know hold the power. And let me tell you, when you understand that power, when you know how to magnificently and exquisitely own your power, YOUR. WORLD. CHANGES. FOR. THE. BETTER. All of the sudden, people, experiences, circumstances shift for you, for you to see. The path has been opened up.

Going back to your root. When you know what’s important to you, what you want to be spending/investing your time, energy and money in. When you know the relationships you want to be engaged in and what they make you feel, you stand Rooted in THAT.

I’m not going to sugar coat this and say it’s easy. I am going to say with the right steps, tools and strategies you can do this. You can claim your personal power. You can stand up for what you desire without having to explain yourself to others. You can have a network of people who get you, who understand you are unique, beautiful and a joy to be around.

And, isn’t this what it’s all for? Who wants to constantly struggle with others, a power struggle. You are ready.

Your Power is calling you. Your truth, beauty, inspiration and love is the Power that you are here to BE. So Own it.

Today is the day.

If you are interested in the Services and Programs offered at Priestess of Passion, call 516-443-8882 or email,

Illuminating the riches within,


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

career women, health, passion, Spirituality, wealthy women, Women

The Power of Trust

The Power of Trust

Trust is a valuable resource.  It enables you to make choices and decisions, while it requires of you to listen to your inner voice. Trust is not something that comes from outside of yourself or from others.  Trust is an inner sense of confidence, resilience, self will and believing in your magic, your power.

While many people look to the outside world, look to others to provide them trust, you miss out on developing your own relationship with inner resolve, building a foundation for personal power.

Let me explain.

When you learn to develop and strengthen your trust muscles, you understand that trust is your ability to feel and be confident in your choices, decisions and actions.  You don’t need approval from others and you love and accept yourself as you are. You understand and listen to what people are saying, what they are not saying and the actions they are taking or not taking. Shying away from action is often a sign of lack of trust.

Trust must be cultivated with a relationship to yourself, your goals, visions and dreams. Finding the path to consciously take actions to move you forward requires trust. Besides an investment of trust most likely your resources of time energy and/or money.  This is where most people fall off of their goal, vision or dream.  To invest with trust, using outer resources takes a commitment, action and passion.

So how do you learn to appreciate and value your trust and take action?

  1. Recognize everything is a choice, either an investment to move you forward towards your goals, visions and dreams or static, staying stuck in the pattern that is taking your energy, leaving you feeling self conscious, a lack of confidence, and hopeless. Value your ability to choose.
  2. Know your goals, desires, and vision.  These 3 will always, always in all ways demand investment of your resources. Whether it’s losing weight, starting a business, being in a relationship, your trust in yourself comes in the form of your resources supporting and going towards your goals, desires and vision. There is no negotiating, no waiting until “the time is right”, “you have more money”, “you have more time”. Your trust is in yourself at this moment. You step forward, take an action with Trust from You, for You, through You.  It’s that simple. Effective and Efficient.
  3. Your trust shows you are willing to show up.  You are committed and focused on what you want to accomplish.  Sure their will always be choices, distractions and excuses.  Trust comes from your inner knowing, from You, your spirit, your soul and it calls you forward.  Trust builds your confidence here.
  4. Trust doesn’t ask for anything in return.  Trust calls you forward to grow, gain strength and courage.  Trust believes in you. Trust believes in the power of your vision, your courage and your skills.  It whispers, sometimes shouts, ” You Got This!”
  5. To do something new, to gain something new asks you to find and have trust ~ in yourself.  Sure you’ll be in relationship with others through your resources of time, energy and money.  Trust begins with you~ Self responsibility to your goals, visions and dreams, to own your power. Then the resources you invest hold meaning, build connections and develop a power and passion so great ~ that you are changed.  Your heart bursts open for the amount of satisfaction, gratitude and self love you hold for yourself.

Trust. Find the power within you, spread your wings and soar.

Illuminating the riches within,


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

career women, health, passion, Powerful women, Spirituality, Women, yoga

Spiritual adulthood places the power in your hands to find a way.

Excuses or Action.  Which is going to move you toward the joy, happiness and freedom you desire?

I find many women afraid of the changes happening in their life freeze.  A not at this time, not a good time, I don’t have the time feeling of  “Oh My God, how am I going to do this”.  Sister, now is exactly the time.  You’ve been called forth in these changes Now for a reason.  Hiding behind the fear of one day, someday, and today, now is the day.  You as a woman are being called forth to change, and grow, picking your head up out of the sand.

Facing your fears can be challenging to say the least, I’ve been there. Fears related to your safety and security.  Who you are in the world, your identity and “how are you going to….”.  It’s essential at times like this to turn in and find trust in yourself.  You’ll need skills, faith, and self love to take the action steps required of you to make the necessary leap into spiritual adulthood, spiritual maturity.  Spiritual adulthood lets go of the false beliefs of what or who will “save you”.  Spiritual adulthood places the power in your hands to find a way.

You can’t keep running and hiding from the problem and issues, it doesn’t work that way.  Accept the fact there is an issue and problem.  Face it.  The saying goes, you can’t change what you are unwilling to confront”.   Stop.

Stop throwing blame, judgement, guilt, shame on the issue, just stop. Center and settle yourself. Turn in and listen for an answer, a solution. You can only find a new way, a new solution when you stop focusing on the problem and give way for a new answer.

So this sounds “easy” to you, yet you don’t have the time, the time is not right, because you have been unwilling to step forward, to let go.  The story of the misery and disappointment, and the poor me, you want that sympathy, facing the truth that you must take action is too much for you to handle. It feels so much better than having to woman up and take a stand and action.  You don’t have the time to invest in yourself?  Investing in your emotional health is one of the best ways to gain strength, courage, trust and create the positive outcome YOU WANT.

Emotional health.  That will bring you more happiness, joy and fulfillment than you could ever imagine.  The power you gain from trusting yourself and taking action.  Spiritual adulthood.  You can’t buy it.  You earn it. You earn it through your trust and faith and making the time and commitment. Waiting for the problem to change, doesn’t challenge your resolve.  Crack open that tender heart, yes, the time is now.

I’m aware this all relates to your safety and security in the world.  You build your own foundation of health, happiness and joy through your ability to take action and time is critical.  Shake off the fear.  Unfreeze your heart.  A new world is waiting for you.  As a woman you have incredible assets, strengths, courage and gifts to offer the world. You just need to be willing to see them in a new way.

I invite you to take time for yourself today.  Take time to listen. To settle in and trust in yourself and your answers.  Be still tender heart, let me hear what you have to say.  Allow me to find the courage from within to take the action necessary to spread my wings, trust in my spirit and feel the joy, peace and freedom wash over me.

Illuminating the Riches Within,


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

career women, Powerful women, Sexuality, Spirituality, wealthy women, Women, yoga

Self Expression Freedom and Self Love

Self Expression Freedom and Self Love

These three qualities, aspects of yourself are very deeply connected to your feelings and emotions, your second chakra. Your second chakra is orange and represents feelings and emotions, sexuality, pleasure, joy, abundance and your connection with others in the outer world. As women, we are often raised to find safety and security outside of ourselves, in a job, man or a certain belief about what keeps us safe. Yet if you look at yourself in the mirror, if you dig deep into your heart and soul do you feel~ self expressive, freedom and self love?

Do you feel yourself in self expression of who you are in the life you are in?

Do you feel freedom of who you are in the life you are in?

Do you feel self love of who you are in the life you are in?

These questions are here for you to observe, to take a look at where you gave away your power into the beliefs of what would keep you safe, secure and happy, and robbed you of self expression, freedom and self love. Once you can see the pattern, the old belief system, you can begin to course correct, with smart, and courageous actions to find your way~ back to your truth.

Self expression is an amazing way you show up in the world. It’s your ability to either feel and express pain, pleasure or joy. It allows you the freedom to feel your feelings and emotions without numbing them or discounting them. You, are given the opportunity to feel all of your feelings and own them. How does this help you? Once you own your feelings, you give yourself power to accept, and to decide to find a solution. This power is the ability to respond as in response-ability. With responsibility you hold a courageous heart of love justice and service to act with courage. This courage sets the course in motion for freedom. You see, once you act with courage and release the old patterns and feelings You. Are. Free. And as you could imagine, when feeling free, you find a level of self love that rocks your world.

So follow this path with me.

Self expression. What do you do or how do you feel when you are expressing yourself. For me, it’s the ability to be so centered in my being and full of my joy. That is how and where I love my self expression to show up. Imagine for a moment if it’s a negative self expression. That would not lead to freedom or self love.

Freedom. In the self expression, where I am centered in my being and full of my joy, I am free. I have no attachments to others or things. I’m sure this sounds easier than it appears. The truth is, I know where my personal self expression feels so good. It has been a work in progress everyday and a non-negotiable in my life. Joy, pleasure and abundance are the essence of self expression, when you allow these feelings to penetrate you, saturating you in their magnificence, you hold space for your freedom to shine through. Freedom is a by product of self expression.

Self Love. Self love holds a space of knowing who you are, knowing your value and your place in the world. It honors your relationship with yourself and your ability to be in right relationship with others.

This also means you’re not trying to fit into anyone else’s model of who you should be. You’re not looking outside yourself asking other for answers, you are trusting yourself. In this self love you tell others to “Back Off” when they are coming into your space uninvited, without asking for their approval, opinion or help. This is your space, where your self expression, freedom and self love reign as Queen.

We are at a time like never before. Women are waking up to the power we have and the ways we create magic.

Follow the path through your feelings and emotions. Let your self expression flow freely, as you spread your wings to soar free and limitless, in love with who you are

Illuminating the riches within


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

career women, health, passion, Powerful women, Sexuality, Spirituality, wealthy women

Why women judge, disempower and compete with other women

There has been a pattern circulating for centuries. It’s been an unwritten, unspoken pattern that has been critically striking, damaging women and girls. It is women judging and competing with other women. Before you stop reading here or create a reaction, this post is meant to bring awareness to the issue and consciously look at it. As you know, you can’t change anything you are unwilling to confront or look at. And, this is one topic and issue that requires us as a society and as women to look at.

Let me begin by saying women in her place of power loves to contribute and collaborate. The true feminine nourishes, nurtures, supports and gives life through giving. This means in her true power she adds value to others, and shines her own worth. She is unapologetic in her stand to speak up, show up and take a lead. She is Happy.

If we know this to be true of women, why are we judging and competing with each other, making ourselves sick, unhappy and rough around the edges?

We learned as little girls it was unsafe to be seen heard and valued for our truth. Our joy was too much for adults to handle. We watch our mothers work tirelessly, put her needs behind everyone else’s. We watched her shut the door behind her pain and suffering. To find peace or some relief from the pain, she could drink, spend money shopping, eat or live in her depression. And so the pattern, the unhealthy development of relationships, numbing with food, money and sex began. We were children. Little girls who didn’t learn how to control, or release our emotions in a healthy way. Now as grow women, we too struggle. Struggle to love and accept ourselves. We’ve found it easier to complain, no one validates us for how we feel and what we need. We look at other women. Older women, younger women, thin beautiful women, heavier women, angry women, sad women, single women, divorced women, widowed women, green, purple, orange women and judge them on what we want to believe. Do they have more? Are they better? She can’t really be happy? That won’t last, she’s crazy, and on and on with judgments. Why?

This is a sign, you are so far removed from your happiness that you pull on other women’s happiness. This is a sign you are struggling to love, value and honor yourself. And you know what? The medicine you need is the love you see in others. The very thing you judge and compete with other women, her happiness, is the exact thing you must begin doing for yourself.
Give yourself a look in the mirror. Who do you see? Do you love, value and honor yourself?
Be honest.
This Shit had got to stop…Right Here Right Now.
You Deserve to be HAPPY.
Say that. “I Deserve to Be Happy”.

The current generation of women have turned to consumerism to avoid the pain of neglect. It became easier to put the value and worth in things than to sit in the truth of your feelings and emotions where no one valued, respected or appreciated them, just like when you were a little girl. Yet, that consumerism created a bottomless pit of despair to find happiness, while competing with other women for youth, beauty, status, relationship and career. You’ve been on the path of selling your soul to consumerism, where others told you your not good enough, worthy enough without those things. And, you’re not getting anywhere, it’s a dead end path.

What to do about it?

Let’s get this straight. First and foremost, stop discriminating against other women. No matter what age, race, status, career choice or relationship, stop the judgments. Listen. Listen from your heart what she is saying. Not her problems, listen to her emotions. Is it fear, pain, sadness, joy, panic? Listen to what the woman is expressing and start by honoring her, even if you don’t know her. We heal ourselves when we honor, value and nourish the light in others. We heal ourselves when we open to the connection of other women for who she is regardless of the outer world.

This is the True Power of Women. It is this power that raises healthy daughters. It is this power that supports our communities. It is this power that transcends our individual suffering, as we acknowledge the little girl within who needs to be seen, heard and validated.

This act of power is a Letting go. An act of courage, of faith and trust. It speaks from your soul, as a woman in touch with herself. The aspect of yourself that our mother’s behind closed doors didn’t know how to access. It is your direct connection to Source, your place of freedom, power and wealth from within which is no match for the outer world.

Join my community here at Priestess of Passion, Priestess Rising. Where women take inspired action, igniting her passion, joy and happiness. Learning to turn in, paying attention to the whispers in your head, that say~ Yes, you are fabulous, successful, powerful, worthy and loved. Hearing the beating of your heart, as you awaken with true power and passion, turning on your Courageous Heart.

We begin here. Receive your free downloadable PDF 5 Essential Habits for Women and the Sacred Feminine

Illuminating the Riches Within


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion