career women, diversity and inclusion, happiness, Powerful women, success, Women

Feminine Archetypes feelings, emotions, needs and wants. Energy Patterns

Feminine archetypes are a way to understand underlying energy patterns, ways women express and embody their energy and being-ness out in the world.

They are not designed to label or harm. They are designed to understand energy patterns. As women we can run the spectrum of feelings, emotions, needs and wants.

How we go about to experience these feelings, emotions, needs and wants is formed in archetypes.

Here are a few;
Seductress is Pleasure in Action. She is free will, the polar opposite of manipulation. She does not like to be dominated and her dominion is free and clear of doubt, fear, worry, stress, judgement, resentment, blame shame and non- sense. She values tenacity, ambition, compassion, contribution and desire.

Bitch will unapologetically show up as her Self. She is not a push over or needs to be pulled up. She, is an infinity – never ending and unbroken. She doesn’t have time to listen to your stories, excuses and small minded ways. She has already made a plan to go beyond, to find the next step to cross the next hurdle.
She’s not wrong. She’s not afraid, for she knows in her infinity lies the algorithm and synchronicity for the Truth and Balance. She doesn’t do it for attention or power.She does it for truth for honor and for victory of a mission driven by purpose.

Black Widow “is the female equivalent of the Vampire. She is slinky and smooth like black velvet with an iron core. She goes after anyone she wants and is skilled at using all her charms. When she lures you into her web she will sting you with her poison, putting you into a deep sleep. She will then devour you. Like the vampire, her only source of nurturing is her victim. When she devours her victim she goes on to the next. Her appetite is insatiable. Everything about her is a lie, even her incredibly good looks.”

Femme Fatale “has a lot of the aspects of the Black Widow but only wants to use her victims to gain power through her sexuality. Her source of life is power, not the life energy of her victims.” She manipulates power from others, specifically, men.

Diva is a woman who knows what she brings to the table, the party and the community. It is her caliber of expectation of beauty, pleasure, and dignity. Through her actions the whole community rises. Her expectation of fabulousness, richness and juiciness can only be complimented, met with others willing to be fabulous rich and juicy too, her connections in community nourishes and nurtures with pride and passion. Dignity, as she honors it, comes through herself- holding her own, not attached to value or worth. She knows her desires are grounded and rooted within this dignity, her exquisite foundation for life itself. The true essence of Diva is her ability to sensually feel power,and, trust her own self.


As women, learning to understand our environments by the ways of how women engage and interact with each other is healthy. The tone of women sets the energy dynamics of the community.

Being all of you requires you find other women who value respect and appreciate women. Being a woman. Not the roles a woman takes on.

Learn to embrace your energy in a way that builds you up, find other women who hold themselves up, and together, you will build a community which locks arms to serve, protect, nourish and nurture people.

Monica Heiz

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